Who The F#%& Is The Cranberry Show


Two dudes from Milwaukee, Wisconsin are opening up for some of your favorite artists with a powerful live show. Now Young Focus and Arcane are taking this perfect opportunity and making the best of it. Last time I check it was called having fun, this time around its called The Cranberry Show.



First off who is The Cranberry Show? 

Focus: We’re from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Being from the Midwest we come from a melting pot. A lot of folks sound like other folks who already sound like different folks. We figured out we don’t have to force the creativity. We opted not to follow trends but more or less just be who we are.

Arcane: We met back in like the third grade. 

Focus: Actually it was middle-school.

Arcane: Well yes okay middle-school. We went to school together and I would tell him all the time we’re going to be a rap group together. He was always like no we’re not you suck (laughing). 

Focus: We use to get kicked out of Mr. Spencer’s class. I would be farting and shit, he would be laughing and then we both would get kicked out. So we were just chppping it up one day and just kicked some rhymes. 

So was it a Superbad type of moment like after school you went separate ways?

Focus: Nah, because the idea for the Cranberry Show came after we left school. He knew he wasn’t going to school and neither did I because I hated school. 

Who do people often categorize you guys with?

Arcane: We usually get the Cool Kids because ones light skin and ones dark skin. As far as our style and structure its more of Outkast. One is slewing rhymes while the other is kicking that pimping shit.
Who’s Andre who is Big Boi?

Arcane: He’s Andre, he’s way better than me. 
Focus: He’s got a bigger following as a person and he gets noticed way more. I can walk with him and get noticed because he’s there. If he’s not there they may pass me by.
Arcane: He’s more of a rappers rapper. He gets respect from other MC’s
Explain your sound and your message within the music.

Arcane: It’s not Lil B rap… He raps about his life and I rap about mine. It’s never too much or degrading the culture. We add wittiness, we are funny goofy people. We have fun and we grind pretty hard. 
What’s the deal with the Mid-West? Explain your struggle coming out of the Mid-West.

Focus: We just want to give people who we are we definitely don’t want to fake anything. We’re not struggling we’re not homeless and we’re not starving.
Arcane: We’re working on just being ourselves. Look at me I’m wearing a Tommy Hilfiger track jacket and cut off sleeves. Why? Cause I think it’s cool, so I don’t got to be anything different.
What’s the rest of 2012 looking like? Can you consider this your branding year?

Focus: We dropped our album back in February and we’re not even 6 months in. So we’re just trying to catch the ears and hopefully this time next year you can dig up our album as a fossil and put it on display. As we develop I think we want to be in a good position next year.
Do you ever see yourselves signing a major soon?

Focus: Not right now we can totally get our money the way we’re doing it now. 
Do you consider this past project (Paranormal Karaoke LP) your debut? If not what are we expecting?

Focus: I consider it the debut of what’s coming up next. This past one we only did for our friends and us, they persuaded us to put it on iTunes. Folks from the Netherlands, London even South Africa picked up pretty quickly on it.
What’s the biggest piece of advice you have ever received as an artist?

Arcane: “If someone sees you everyday during the week they’re not going to pay to see you on the weekend.” It’s just about putting in work but not doing too much. You don’t have to do a show every single day of the week. You don’t have to do too much studio time. Do what you have to do and do your best. 
Do you think today’s Hip-Hop artists are touring too much?

Focus: I think the way record sales are this is their only option. I’m a huge N.E.R.D. fan yet I’ve only seen them twice. I can see them and I’m good for a while. It comes to supply and demand. You can probably be so much bigger, if you only came around a little and when you did it was fresh and new. 



