Drake and Chris Brown Could Be Sued For Fight


Statements have been released by Chris Brown and Drake addressing the brawl that happened at NYC nightclubs W.i.P. and Greenhouse. The club-goers injured due to the brawl have made their statement by planning to sue all those who threw the bottles, including Chris Brown and Drake.

According to the Daily News, Javier Solan, lawyer to the injured victim who required 12 stitches, Lucy Pavlovsky, stated he plans to “sue anybody who threw a bottle.” He later explained the scene stating, “It was like a war zone. … You had guys there 300 pounds, 6-foot-5, throwing these bottles as hard as they can.”


W.i.P. and Greenhouse were closed by the NYPD for violations prior to the fight. Due to the bottle-throwing brawl, the Civil Enforcement Unit was forced to take action and shut down both clubs. 


– John Weber (@JohnPaulWeber)