Update On Sandusky Scandal


In the controversial court case regarding Penn State University’s Jerry Sandusky, former FBI agent Louis Freeh released findings that Sandusky sexually abused boys.

Sandusky, who was charged of 45 counts related to child sex abuse of 10 boys over 15 years, was convicted in June. Penn State University  plans to ”privately, expeditiously and fairly” compensate Sandusky’s victims.


Thomas R. Kline, who represents ‘Victim 5’ made a statement regarding the findings, “The alternative is to let me, Tom Kline, and the rest of the victims’ lawyers root around in Penn State’s files and depose a hundred of their employees to uncover all of the dirty laundry that has, to date, been kept from public view.”

You can view Louis Freh’s findings here 

– John Weber (@JohnPaulWeber)