George Zimmerman gave his first televised interview yesterday with Fox News and made some bold statements regarding the criminal charges he’s currently facing. Zimmerman expressed his regrets for Trayvon Martin’s family, but stated “ I feel it was all God’s plan” regarding the death of the 17 year-old.
Zimmerman, who’s being charged with second-degree murder for shooting Martin, claiming self-defense, says he can’t second-guess how he reacted and what has happened. “My wife and I don’t have any children. I have nephews that I love more than life. I love them more than myself. And I know when they were born, it was a different unique bond and love that I have with them,” Zimmerman told Fox. “And I love my children even though that they aren’t born yet. I am sorry that they buried their child. I can’t imagine what it must feel like. And I pray for them daily,” Zimmerman stated.
Martin’s family responded to his claims stating “[Zimmerman] does not regret anything he did that night.” The father of Trayvon, Tracy Martin, stated “We must worship a different God because there is no way that my God would have wanted G. Zimmerman to kill my teenage son.”
If you missed Witness 9’s latest charges against George Zimmerman, you can find them here.
– John Weber (@JohnPaulWeber)