Today’s Mathematics


Today’s Mathematics is Knowledge God all being Born to Build or Destroy

Peace! Today’s Mathematics is Knowledge God all being Born to Build or Destroy. When one has a wide range of useful facts(Knowledge) about the True and Living Supreme Being(God) , that Knowledge of God can never be Destroyed. He and Her who Know the Blackman is God use this Knowledge to add on positively to themselves and their Cipher and simultaneously Destroying all unrighteousness. There are people of all human families(races) that Know God and teach that he is the Original Man. Those who possess this Knowledge and use it to Build are the ones who Know the meaning of Civilization.


So after two weeks of protests and petitions, Kiera Wilmot, the 16 year old who was charged with a felony for a failed science experiment, finally had all of the charges against her dropped. Anyone who has any form of righteousness in them and heard this story knew that it was a blatant injustice. Even expelling her from her Florida school was too much, but keeping her out of the school to prison pipeline is a victory within itself. Earlier this week in Orange, Florida, a Black family found a KKK flier on their doorstep from the Fort Christmas Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. The sad part is that there are actually some people that are shocked that these types of situations are occurring in 2013. The South is not the only place where racism is rearing its ugly head, either. At Columbia University, it was recently discovered that the Ivy League school offered scholarships that are available to “whites only”. Yeah, you read this right. The University’s Lydia C. Roberts Graduate Fellowship says that the funds be given to “a person of the Caucasian race”. Only someone in opposition to God would make such a stipulation. Those who know the history and the reality of the diaspora of Original people in this country, know that in order to Build, something has to first be Destroyed.

Knowledge God simply means to Know God and not be a savage in the pursuit of happiness. A savage is one who lost the Knowledge, so when you get it, make sure you keep it; in mind and in heart. Peace to All!

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)