More Issues Arise For Chris Brown

Chris Brown Twitcon Everybody seems to hate Chris…Brown.

According to TMZ, Chris Brown was charged with a hit-and-run after allegedly exchanging faulty insurance information as well as refusing to hand over his license, which makes sense considering his licenses was suspended during the time of the accident.

Yes, this is after he was accused of throwing a female in a nightclub which you can read more about here.

The accident occurred over a month ago and has led L.A. City Attorney to file two charges (1. driving without a valid license and 2. leaving the scene of an accident without exchanging proper information) against the singer who seemingly can’t catch a break with the law.

These crimes are punishable by a maximum of 6 months in jail for each; a year in total. The City Attorney will also relate the current allegations in violation of Chris’ ongoing probation from the Rihanna case. If the judge rules Chris was in violation of his probation, he could be looking at 4 years behind bars.

Chris Brown as of recent has made his Twitter profile image as a picture of the accident showing the little to none damage done to the alleged victim’s car. Check out his tweets below.

Chris Brown Tweets


– John Weber (@JohnPaulWeber)