Today’s Mathematics


Today’s Mathematics is Wisdom Build or Destroy all being Born to Knowledge Cipher all being Born to Knowledge

Peace! Today’s Mathematics is Wisdom Build or Destroy all being Born to Knowledge Cipher, which all Born to Knowledge. The way that your intelligence is applied shows whether your words and actions are conducive or destructive to a situation. When words and ways are Wise, Knowledge is added on to the Cipher and Destroys all that is not right and exact. Having Knowledge of any particular Cipher gives one the choice to be productive with what they Know. That which is positive and productive is Destroyed in majority by those who don’t possess the proper Knowledge nor Know its worth.


It is very important that we not only watch this Trayvon Martin trial, b.u.t. we must also learn that there will always be a racist and overall negative element within American society because it has existed since the country’s origin. Track runner Lolo Jones took to Twitter yesterday in an attempt to take a jab at the star witness in the George Zimmerman trial, Rachel Jeantel. Jones used her social media platform to compare the young teenager to Tyler Perry’s ultra-stereotypical Black woman character. Rachel Jeantel looked so irritated during the cross examination that I burned it on DVD and I’m going to sell it as Madea goes to court-. It must be seriously examined as to why Jeantel, who is by far the most instrumental witness on behalf of the prosecution, is being spoken about in such a harsh manner by other Black people. It must be recognized that every brother ain’t a brother(or sister). Do the Knowledge to the Paula Deen situation. You have other black people who have never stood for the rights of other Black people and will be the first to defend those who have offended and brutalized their people. First, it was Rev. Al Sharpton, who said that we shouldn’t judge people by their racist past, which is basically saying forget about slavery. Then, we have the Roland Martins who want to divert out attention from what has been happening to us for centuries to something that has been obviously been propagated by the oppressive forces within this country for the past only the past 40 years. Now, you have beauty icons within the Back community like Stacey Dash who has used Twitter to show her support for the mentality that put Black people in bondage. She tweeted, God does everything for a reason @Paula_Deen only God can judge your heart BTW my daughter loves your show(the only way she can get me to cook). It’s interesting how the same God that they used to help whip our people into submission is the same God that she expects to co-sign Deen’s racist heart. The yearning for Freedom, Justice, and Equality is so naturally embedded in us, some will even create fantasies in their minds that we’ve actually received something. 

Wisdom Build or Destroy means what you do will either make you or break you and you will be guaranteed a reward or penalty, depending on what was done. A reward goes to the Savior and a penalty goes to the traitor. Peace to all!

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)