Brazilian Soccer Player Maurides Tears ACL Celebrating 1st Goal

Unknown-40Maurides scores his first goal, excessively celebrates, and tears his ACL in the process.

19-year-old Brazilian soccer player, Maurides, was overwhelmed with his first header/goal and ran arms wide open across the field. Then, he made a huge mistake.

Not saying the backflip isn’t rare among post-goal celebrations, but it is extremely dangerous and a manger’s worst nightmare.


Coming off a front-hand spring, Maurides twists and leaps off the ground into a backflip to land awkwardly on his right leg hurting his knee then later finding he tore his ACL.

A comeback from that type of injury is slow and steady and it doesn’t look like he’ll be playing anytime soon.

Watch his first ( and quiet possibly his last) goal and backflip celebration gone wrong after the jump.

– John Weber (@JohnPaulWeber)