Today’s Mathematics


Today’s Mathematics is Wisdom Equality all being Born to Build or Destroy

Peace! Today’s Mathematics is Wisdom Equality all being Born to Build or Destroy. Wisdom Equality means to show forth your ability to deal Equally with all facets of your life using Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding. When one’s intelligence is transferred from a mental power to a physical and tangible power in all aspects of one”s daily activities, then they possess the ability to productively add on(Build) to themselves and their surroundings, therefore, simultaneously doing away with(Destroy) that which is not productive.


What a person says and does is the only evidence of whether they will help or hurt a person or particular situation. Everyone has the characteristics of both, however, a person is not good and bad at the same time. It’s either or. Juror B29 from the George Zimmerman murder trial publicly announced that she knows that the Neighborhood Watch volunteer got away with murder, but that there was just not enough evidence to convict him. It can’t be denied that this case is about race, especially since the only Original woman on the jury has come forward without hiding her identity that an injustice occurred on in the Sanford County Courthouse on July 13. Sad to say, but this may very well be the last that is heard about justice for teenager Trayvon Martin. DJ Khaled proposed to Nicki Minaj yesterday, offering up a half million dollar diamond ring to accept his hand in marriage. All that can be said about that is let’s hope for his sake and sanity that she doesn’t say no. As sequestration continues to be the topic of discussion in Congress, it was revealed that up to 1.6 million jobs could be lost if sequestration is not abandoned by next month. Even though some lawmakers are considering a partial delay, an “economic jolt” can be expected in this country going into 2014. So while you’re out enjoying your “Friday night just got paid” money, keep in mind that cash won’t be as plentiful in the near future.

Wisdom Equality simply means that your actions just equate whether you’re a Builder or a Destroyer. Whether it be by will or by force, changes are made in our society to rectify that which is not for the betterment of all human families on the planet. Be Wise in what you show the world. You’d be surprised who’s watching. Peace!

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)