Horoscopes For November 8th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-11-03 at 9.27.10 AMWhether you’re into astrology or not, you could always use some extra guidance and sometimes horoscopes can do just that.   With the help of Yahoo.com, here’s the daily overview for each sign. For the extended and detailed day to day, click here.

-Tatiana R.

10/23 -11/21

November 8th
You and a friend or colleague are butting heads over an issue that has been festering for some time. Make sure that you’re not just going through the motions, as you need to keep it real today.

11/22- 12/21

November 8th
Things are looking good for you — as long as you can hold back on spending! Your personal energy also needs to be reined in a bit, so make sure that you’re moderate in all things.

12/22 -1/19

November 8th
You get an answer of some kind early in the day that should brighten your mood. It may be test results, feedback from a customer or some other notification that can’t be denied.

1/20- 2/18

November 8th
This is not the time to fight back — unless you’ve reached the end of your rope. In all other circumstances, it’s best for you to just go along with the program for the time being. Things are sure to change soon.


2/19 – 3/20

November 8th
Track down what the group really needs — though you may find that nobody can tell you explicitly. It’s a good idea to use your intuition to narrow down the field until you’ve got a few choices.


November 8th
Your emotional side needs some work today, so make sure that you’re giving yourself the time and space you need to deal with whatever has been bugging you. It’s easier than you’d think!

4/20 – 5/20

November 8th
Your idealistic nature is pushing boundaries all over the place — which is a good thing! At least one person needs to get schooled on right and wrong, though. Are you up for the task?

5/21 -6/21

November 8th
You aren’t quite sure what to make of that friend or family member who seems to be keeping secrets from you. It’s a good time to just watch and wait, as a lead is sure to open up really soon.

6/22 -7/22

November 8th
You’ve got a problem or two facing you in your working life — it could even be that you need to switch career tracks! Whatever it is, try not to panic, and make sure to deal with it gracefully.

7/23- 8/22

November 8th
It’s tempting to dive into a crisis trying to fix everything right away — but that doesn’t work this time. You have to really listen and try to understand what people are so upset about.

8/23 – 9/22

November 8th
You’re filled with great energy — but it’s better spent on editing and revising, rather than creating anything from whole cloth. You can take something good and turn it into something great!

9/23 -10/22

November 8th
You feel extremely weird about a situation that doesn’t really make sense to you — but that doesn’t mean you can just hide your head in the sand. It’s a good day to ask big questions.