Listen & Download City Of Lambs EP From Mike Milan


When critics and others try to shame New York for losing sight of its characteristic sound, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes you get artists like Mike Milan who create boundless music that claims no region that boxes it in. Instead, you get a debut EP that ranges from an anthem for the young and restless generation (“Fly Children”) to the ballad that explains the volatile, emotional dance a man can have with a woman (“Masquerade”) to something we can all get a little loose to (“FDAU”).

Did we mention Milan is from New York? And as it goes with many New Yorkers, he’s multi-talented. He harmonizes and sings with the best of them on “Now” over a U2-esque beat. But don’t take our word for all of this. Stream the project below and download it HERE.


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Bryan Hahn (@notupstate)