Hopsin Calls Trinidad James “A Horrible Rapper”


The very controversial Hopsin recently sat down backstage with Bootleg Kev to give his thoughts on Atlanta rapper Trinidad James. During the more than one-minute clip, Hopsin calls Trinidad James a wack rapper several times and says that his opinion doesn’t matter in the Hip-Hop game.

This is not the first time the Los Angeles rapper shares his views on the “All Gold Everything” rapper, and we are sure it won’t be the last time we’ll hear Hopsin call industry artist “wack.” The Funk Volume artist even goes as far putting Trinidad James in the category of Lil B, and Soulja Boy. Ouch! Will we eventually hear Trinidad lash out on Hopsin?


Hopsin’s latest release Knock Madness is now available for purchase on iTunes.

Roger Krastz @walldoe