Listen To SupaNatra’s New Song, “Billionaire Dreams”

Billionaire Dreams

There’s talent in Ohio, don’t sleep.

Towards the end of last year, SupaNatra stopped by The Source‘s offices and played us several of his most recent tracks, and gave us a sneak peek of some of the music he had on the way, and to be honest, we enjoyed it. Very rarely does an artist strike an impression with us off first listen, but Natra was able to do just that–with not only his musicianship but his production–and today we’re happy to bring you new music from the mid-western up-and-comer.


Produced by his in-house producer and frequent collaborator, Billionaire Boyscout, “Billionaire Dreams” came with this bit of information.

The artwork contains a picture of the first and only South African Billionaire, “Patrice Motsepe” sitting alongside his wife.

Speaks for itself, doesn’t it? Listen to the track below and tell us what you think.

-Khari Nixon (@KingVanGogh)

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