10 Faces Kanye Probably Made When He Saw Rihanna On The Cover Of Vogue

ye kim


Its no secret that Kanye West wants his fiance, the oft-stunning reality television star Kim Kardashian, to be on an upcoming cover of elite fashion publication Vogue magazine. Vogue’s editor-in-chief Anna Wintour–quite possibly the most famous individual to ever carry that title, at any publication for that matter, is notorious for not taking too kind to criticism, or contentious conversations concerning the cover of her magazine, but was photographed having a back-and-forth with Kanye, presumably concerning the potential Kardashian cover.


ye wintour

In any case, just as news was slowly breaking about Ye’s conversation with Wintour, Rihanna’s stunning new Vogue cover was leaked to the internet, making for a very comedic atmosphere. Obviously, Rihanna and Ye are good friends, so surely there’s no seriously envious attitude emanating from Ye’s camp, but still, we’re sure he looked at that cover a number of disdained ways upon it being revealed, starting with these ten.

-Khari Nixon (@KingVanGogh)