#YouAreDatingALoser if:
— He marries his side chick.
— He/she says they’re not ready for a relationship, but want all the benefits of being in a relationship.
— He/she contributes nothing to the relationship besides sex.
— He/she always wants to stay the night….every.single.night.
— You haven’t been on an actual date yet and he/she is trying to come to your house to “watch a movie.”
— You have to take the trash out, move, or do any other physically strenuous activity by yourself.
— He/she never has money for bills but always has money for marijuana and molly.
— The only reason he gets a job is because his parole officer threatened to violate him.
— He/she gets mad at you and sleeps with your friends.
— His name is Jon Gosselin or Peter Guns.
— You’ve seen him on dontdatehimgirl.com
— He/she will read the signs on this list and laugh about it, failing to realize it applies to them.