Writer Zack Synder and Director Noam Murro‘s latest installment to the successful 300 franchise, “Rise of An Empire” follows the ancient Athenian warrior Themistocles as he fights for Greece against the Persians, led by a Greek-turned-Persian Artemisia and the God-King Xerxes. Starring Sullivan Stapleton as Themistocles, Eva Green as Artemisia, and Rodrigo Santoro as Xerxes, the film includes multiple characters from the first film and is sure to entertain.
The original 300 takes places during this film, which starts out with a major battle between the Persians and Athenians with amazing battle shots seen during the entire movie. There is a lot of blood, but it is tolerable. There was also a rather hilarious yet action-filled sex scene in the film that is sure to entertain as well as a few well-delivered lines regarding said act.
Audiences went out in droves this weekend to check out the film, which took in $132M worldwide and an estimated $45 million in the U.S. and Canada making it number one! Below we’re excited to share two new video featurettes, which give a closer look at the heroes and villains of the movie:
“Heroes of 300” Featurette:
“Villians of 300” Featurette:
Below are photos from Los Angeles black carpet premiere of the film:
Last but not least, Titan Books has released a “300: Rise of an Empire: The Art of the Film” hardback companion to the movie. The book features stunning production art, photography from the acclaimed Clay Enos and input from producer Zack Snyder and director Noam Murro.
“300: Rise of an Empire” is Now Playing.
Catherina Gioino contributed reporting.