Chicago’s Fenger Academy Principal, Liz Dozier, Explains Why She’s Involved In Chicagoland


Just two weeks after Liz Dozier became principal at Chicago’s Fenger Academy, her school gained national attention after Fernger student, Derrion Albert was killed by rival gang members. In an interview with, Dozier explains why she decided to participate in the CNN docuseries called Chicagoland.

“I thought it would be good for people to have that insiders’ view and see the work that is happening not just at our school, but the work happening at some of our schools across the city,” the 36-year-old principal said.


Dozier and her staff use unconventional methods like taking students out to dinner or visiting former Fenger students who are in jail and it’s working. Fenger’s graduation rate, 73 percent, is still below national average but four years ago Fenger had a 47 percent graduation rate. Also, students arrest, fights and known drug activity has decreased since 2009. And of the 2013’s 35 Gates scholars, one is a Fenger student. 

“We’ve had a really bad rap for the last four and a half years, but the kids have been really hopeful that people will want to come to our school now and know what we’re really about,” Dozier told HuffPost. “That’s the beauty of working with kids: They’ll always surprise you.”

CNN’s Chicagoland can be seen on Thursday nights at 10E/9c.

Darryl Robertson (@darryl_robertson)