Neon Trees’ Tyler Glenn Comes Out

Singer, Tyler Glenn reveals to Rolling Stone Magazine his sexuality

tyler glennTyler Glenn, some of you may know him from the group Neon Trees, recently sat down for an interview with Rolling Stones Magazine. Tyler stated to Rolling Stones, “I’ve always felt like I’m an open book, and yet obviously I haven’t been completely.” Well he is now being a complete open book when he tells Rolling Stones about his sexuality.

Tyler spent his whole life being a Mormon and just like any other homosexual, Tyler knew from a young age what he truly was. He admitted to the magazine that growing up he did in fact date girls, which happened to be one of the worst experiences in his life having to tell heterosexual women he was in love with them. “I had my crushes on guys throughout high school, but it was never an overwhelming thing until my 20s. Then I’d be dating girls and in love with my straight friend and it was the worst feeling in the world.”


Battling his religion was definitely one of the heaviest tasks he faced. Being that Mormons teach tolerance of homosexual behaviors, furthermore frown upon it, it was not until now that he feels most comfortable going against it. He began telling his friends and family back in October of last year the truth. Why now go public? Tyler stated to RS that he is now more inspired about coming out and embracing who he really is due to all celebrities and athletes whom are now embracing their sexuality publicly.

Rolling Stones has released the interview online today on their website and you can also read the interview in the magazine, which is set to be on the stands this Friday.

Meashel Monique (@meashelmonique)