See What A Typical Hang Out Is Like With World’s Fair In “Nem Diggas” Interactive Video

world's fair

It’s been a while since we’ve heard anything coming from World’s Fair’s camp since being featured in our Mic Check for Issue #261. Today we find out why. They’ve been clearly practicing for their latest, interactive, 360 video for “Nem Diggas.” The simple beat provided by Jansport J gets rowdy as you hear the crew in the background, most likely at a party, yelling ad-libs and causing a raucous. The best parts about this video is finding where each member pops out of before each verse and watching what each does during the down time. I couldn’t keep my eyes off that pizza pie…

We also hope World’s Fair has been working on some new music besides practicing for this video. You can catch the interactive version of the video HERE (which required 8 GoPros) and download their Bastards Of The Party project HERE.

Directed by: Shane Annas & Alec Sutherland

Bryan Hahn (@notupstate)