8 Reasons We Hate Public Transportation

2train-300x174Dear MTA, do better. Signed, a mad New Yorker. Wait, we’re always mad, right? 

Now, if you drive, this post is not for you. This is for the public transportation struggle. Yeah, some of us may have a license but MTA takes you absolutely any and everywhere and if we can avoid the traffic, the lack of parking and some of the idiots behind the wheel, then the train is always a nice save. Unfortunately, because some of us choose not to drive or don’t have access to cars we must face, on a daily, the public transportation struggle. At least we know the train conductor can drive! Whether you take the letter or the number trains one of these lines is guaranteed to piss you off in some way, shape or form. Here are 8 reasons we hate public transportation.

1. These three words will most definitely make you forget everything you learned in anger management last week: delays, track work and service change. Bottom line, you need to leave your house 30 minutes to an hour earlier than you normally would.


2. The D train loves to sit at 145th street especially when you’re running late.

3. The 2 trains loves to sit at Jackson Avenue for unnecessary amounts of time, once again, especially when you’re running late.

4.We understand that the B train is local but must it always get stuck behind the D and sometimes the A train?

5.On game day, the 4, D and B train is guaranteed to piss you off. Think about it, drunk and TURNT all the way up Yankee fans, before and after the game. And is it me or is the 4 train never running properly?

6.People love to hold the doors when the sign clearly says, “DO NOT HOLD DOORS,” causing the conductor to scream over the PA system, “STAND CLEAR OF THE CLOSING DOORS,” a please doesn’t always follow. This also is another 5 minute delay because you’re holding the door for your 12 other friends that were too slow running down those steps.

7.People don’t know how to control their children and don’t care to. So on your hour train ride home you’ve had to endure a 6-year-old’s screaming and crying because her mother won’t buy her some cookies from the snack man. She can tune her out and personally doesn’t care that she’s been crying non-stop the entire ride and is pissing everyone off more by the second. Your head is throbbing but you keep repeating, “I don’t hit people’s kids,” over and over again in your head.

8. We hate having to take a train further uptown to switch over and take it back downtown.

9. You could die waiting for the F train at Delancey street.

10. In the summer it’s an extra 10 degrees hotter underground. In the winter it’s an extra 10 degrees cooler underground. Go figure…

