Steve Aoki Collaborates With Waka Flocka, Kid Ink & More For New Album

The future is looking Neon for Steve Aoki


If you haven’t noticed by now, the thin line that existed between Hip Hop and EDM has completely disappeared off the face of the Earth. EDM favorite Steve Aoki is no stranger to the Hip Hop community. His previous work with rappers like Kid Cudi & Iggy Azalea have hit the music world by storm. But now the reigning DJ is set to embark on a few new ventures that will guarantee to double his fan base.


In a press conference earlier today, Aoki announced in front of the press and select fans that he will be releasing a new double-album entitled Neon Future. Part one will feature the likes of Kid Ink, Fall Out Boy, Flux Pavillion and plenty more. The first single off the new body of work will be his collaboration with Waka Flocka “Rage The Night Away”.

Aoki also revealed that he will be performing at Madison Square Garden towards the end of this summer. The show will feature music from part one of his upcoming album, which is set for a August 12th release. Neon Future Part II is slated to drop sometime next year. Along with the concert, the cake-throwing DJ also revealed a new year-long partnership with Bud Light Platinum and is featured in their latest commercial airing soon.

Tony Centeno (@_tonyMC)