Lil’ Wayne‘s new album, Tha Carter V, has no tangible proof of existence. There’s no street or official single, no viral or official music videos, no release date, no official artwork, and no real announcement from Lil’ Wayne. But everyone knows it exists. There’s been a string of abstract promotion for the album coming from some pretty unlikely places this week. Kobe Bryant, Floyd Mayweather and Skip Bayless–some of sports and sports journalism’s biggest names–have all either tweeted or Instagram’d some sort of promotion for Tha Carter V, and considering Drake–prematurely, we might add–announced a May release date for the album back in February, everything’s pretty much lining up. You know what they say, two things make a coincidence, three counts for a conspiracy. C5 is coming, and now we have news on its first single.
Weezy Wednesday brought news of Lil’ Wayne’s first single from his upcoming album, and it’ll be called “Believe Me”, featuring Drake. Boi-1da and Vinylz on the production, so expect a banger. For now, just artwork, as we await the release of the song.