Congratulations To LeBron James For Passing Jordan’s NBA All-Time Postseason Record


Everybody wants to be like Mike…


If you were anywhere near last night’s game or its highlights, you should be aware that LeBron James has broken an NBA Record held by none other than “His Airness,” Michael Jordan. King James has broken the playoff record for most games with at least 25 points, five rebounds and five assists.

This is no small feat. If you’ve at least had an ear to James’ scrutinized career, you know that he’s “next up” as the greatest basketball player to lace up professionally — second to, arguably, MJ — and the breaking of this record is a major step in that direction.

With James and the Heat’s big game 4 win, did he silence everyone in the “who’s better” debate?

Absolutely not. Don’t believe us?


How about now?

-Jamaal Fisher (@jamaalfisher)