Connecticut Student Brings Grenade To School’s Show & Tell Show

Lisa+Marie+Miguel1200Show and Tell results in lockdown and arrest…

When a six year old told her mother, Barbara Duggan, that her school was on lock-down, she became concerned and asked why.  Her daughter’s reply was simple: “Someone brought a grenade to school”.

Stratford Academy in Connecticut was holding a show-and-tell show in relation to the 70th anniversary of D-Day–for those that don’t remember grade school history, D-day is a day that a combat attack/operation is initiated.  The most example of a D-Day is June 6, 1944, the day of Normandy Landings in World War II.


Common sense might suggest that maybe it was a good idea to bring a grenade to school for the show-and-tell right?

Um, maybe a replica, but a real explosive? Not so much.

According to CBS New York the mother of a 12-year-old student at the school was arrested because he brought an actual grenade to school (where do you even find one of those? Walmart?).  It’s sad because he’s a kid, and isn’t aware of the harm and mayhem the grenade could have caused. Lisa Miguel was charged with the risk of injury to a minor, reckless endangerment and illegal possession of an explosive.

According to police, Miguel told them that the grenade had been a gift from her father who was an army war veteran.  Allegedly, her father told her it was “a dud”, and she’s kept it in her home for years.

“She should have contacted the Police Department or a military service to identify what the item was and if, in fact, it was a dud,” said Stratford Police Capt. Paul DosSantos. “It is technically property of the military, and civilians should not possess such an item.”

Miguel was released without bail and is due in court next week to face a judge..