Be In Control Of What Others See In Your Photo Gallery With The Overswipe App


Feels good knowing we’re not the only ones facing this problem..

Whether it’s a cute little toddler, your silly and perhaps intrusive friend, your mom, or maybe just your grandmother because she simply doesn’t know what she’s doing. We all have experienced the rush and panicking we start to do when we share with someone a photo on our phones and they use it as a, “might as well look at the rest” pass. Although the mini heart attack may or may not be out of guilt, come on, who would want anyone to see those selfies you took earlier, that you forgot to delete? No one. So, the technology guru’s must have shared this experience with us as well, because they have developed a new app called overswipe, which helps you be in absolute charge of exactly what people see when they go through your photos. Its a great idea and it can be helpful, its only available in the app store for iPhone, but android users may have to continue to face the rush and panic when someone is going a bit far into your privacy than expected.



– Asada Nicome ( @SadaBlu )
