SourceTV Exclusive: Ab-Soul Talks #TheseDays & Says LongTerm 4 Will Be His Last Album

Soulo h*e.

Ab-Soul stopped by The Source’s offices yesterday on the eve of the release of his brand new album, These Days, to chat with us about several topics, including how he ended up putting Rick Ross on his “Nevermind” record (which also features BJ The Chicago Kid), having the awareness to create an album so focused on the events–both negative and positive–of society #thesedays, and how it differs from his process of creating other albums. Also, he dropped an interesting tidbit: he’s already created two LongTerm albums, and he went on to say LongTerm 4 will be his last album. He’s admittedly already begun the conceptual process of creating LongTerm 3, so no word on when exactly that will be, but it got us thinking. Is Ab-Soul considering early “retirement”?


Also, we’d like to formally welcome you all to the new and improved The Sour. Our release date happened to coincide with Ab-Soul’s so we decided to talk chat a little bit about each other’s ventures, and Ab had a very dope story about just how important The Source was–and still is–to him. We welcome you to The Source 3.0 with some help from the insightful and prolific Ab-Soul. Get your copy of These Days here.upatthesource