Lauryn Hill Has Fan Personally Kicked Out Of Her Show

Lauryn don’t play that, apparently

Last week, the lovely and talented Lauryn Hill played a show in Chicago at The House Of Blues, and fans were reportedly upset that she showed up about an hour late to the show.  One fan in particular took exception to Lauryn’s reported tardiness, and took it upon himself to flip Ms. Hill the bird as she took the stage.  The events that followed weren’t beneficial to said fan, who was personally removed from the venue after Lauryn directed security to remove the man “with the screwface on” for doing something she didn’t like.  Shortly after, she delivered a mini-rant directly inspired by what had just transpired.


I don’t play that. I don’t need to win you over and you don’t need to win me over. You can go and take all your money back. I do this because I love it, not because I owe you anything. I do this because I love it and you can get on your blogs, Tweet, whatever you want to. I don’t give a rat’s ass.