Listen To Rome Fortune’s “Cool Too” Ft. Candice Mims Prod. By ESTA

You can be Cool Too

Rome Fortune has been on a a roll lately dropping new content almost every week since the release of his Drive, Thighs & Lies EP. Today, Rome links up with the people from 10 Deep to share his new track “Cool Too” featuring  R&B singer Candice Mims from Atlanta. “Cool Too” is a different vibe from the “turn up” tracks that has been put out lately, Etsa provides a smooth beat while Rome romances a girl with his catchy lyrics.

Rome Fortune is preparing to go on his first US tour with Glass Animals starting in Milwaukee September 8th and ending in LA October first to promote his upcoming Small VVorld EP.  During this tour he will be performing many fan favorites and possibly performing songs from his upcoming EP, you don’t want to miss it. small vvorld us tour rome fortune glass animals




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