AG Schneiderman Weekly Newsletter (September 8-12)



September 8 to September 12, 2014


Schneiderman Tours Syracuse Gun Show

Attorney General Schneiderman toured the Syracuse Gun Show, one of the largest in the state, to highlight the success of the show and the Model Gun Show Procedures developed by his office. These procedures, which all known gun show operators in New York have agreed to follow, mean a background check is conducted on virtually every firearm sold at gun shows in New York State. The Syracuse show was among the first to sign on to the Model Procedures.

In Utica, Schneiderman Highlights Success Of Homeowner Protection Program

In Utica, Attorney General Schneiderman met with housing counselors for the UNHS Homeownership Center, one of 90 organizations funded by the Attorney General’s Homeowner Protection Program statewide. The Attorney General also met with three homeowners who were fighting to remain in their homes — and succeeded, thanks to UNHS and HOPP. The Attorney General’s visit highlighted the ways HOPP has helped homeowners across the state, ensuring that no New York family has to face foreclosure without first talking to a lawyer.

Schneiderman Reaches Settlement With Health Insurer That Includes 3.5 Million Fund To Reimburse Members For Out-Of-Network Expenses

Attorney General Schneiderman secured an agreement with GHI, a subsidiary of EmblemHealth, Inc., New York’s largest health insurer, that requires improved plan disclosures for out-of-network provider benefits to those members who sign up for GHI’s Comprehensive Benefits Plan. The settlement also provides that GHI establish a $3.5 million consumer assistance fund to provide financial relief to members – most of them New York City employees – who lost out on millions of dollars in reimbursements due to the health insurer’s poor communications with members regarding their benefits.


Schneiderman Secures Relief For Tenants Living In 1,700 NYC Apartments

Attorney General Schneiderman reached an agreement with the former management company of 42 rent-regulated buildings located in Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Manhattan, regarding allegations that the company has harassed and neglected the buildings’ residents. The agreement requires the management company to provide more than $225,000 in rent credits and restitution to tenants, and also requires that delayed maintenance projects be completed within one year. The Attorney General’s agreement follows a similar deal from last April that provided extensive relief for these tenants, including more than $1 million in rent credits and restitution.

Following Release Of The iPhone 6, Schneiderman Emphasizes Need For An Immediate And Default Solution To Dangerous Smartphone Thefts

Following the announcement of Apple’s new iPhone 6, Attorney General Schneiderman cautioned consumers to be aware of increased demand by thieves for their new phones. The Attorney General also highlighted the ongoing work of his Secure Our Smartphones Initiative, which has encouraged the industry to take significant steps toward ensuring the safety and security of their customers. As co-chair of the S.O.S. Initiative, he will continue to urge all wireless carriers and smartphone manufacturers to take immediate action and implement an opt-out kill switch on all devices.

Schneiderman Arrests Nurse For Allegedly Stealing Narcotics From Brain Trauma Nursing Facility Resident

Attorney General Schneiderman arrested a Licensed Practical Nurse formerly employed by an Ulster County-based nursing home for allegedly stealing three oxycodone pills from a resident’s prescription for her personal use. The Attorney General also emphasized that the allegations in this case “serve as a strong reminder of the dangerous and addictive qualities of opioid medications — and why they must be closely monitored.”

Schneiderman Leads Multistate Group Urging Appeals Court To Maintain Strong Antitrust Enforcement

Leading a coalition of more than a dozen states, Attorney General Schneiderman filed a friend-of-the-court brief urging a federal appeals court to maintain strong legal rules preventing dominant firms from improperly excluding their rivals from the market. The case involves a dominant company in the pipe fittings industry that, when faced with a competitive challenge from a new market entrant, chose to lock the competitor out of the market instead of competing on the merits. The Federal Trade Commission found that the company’s conduct violated the antitrust laws, and the states’ brief urges the court to affirm that decision.

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In Other News…

The Attorney General released a statement in honor of the 13th anniversary of the September 11th attacks. Click here to view the statement.

Earlier this week, the Attorney General’s Harlem Regional Office held a workshop for local consumers to provide needed tips on avoiding scams.

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Posted by Charles and Randy Fisher (Twitter / FB / Instagram @HHSYC).