According to a ProPublica analysis, which uses federal data
It is the opinion of millions around the country, but according to this ProPublica study, which used validated federal data, it’s now a statistic. Black teenagers are more likely to get shot dead by the cops than white teenagers, and it isn’t even close, by a count of 21 times more likely.
The study examined the 1,217 deadly shootings from 2010 to 2012, black teens between the ages of 15-19 were killed at a rate of 31.17 per million, as opposed to the rate of 1.47 per million at which white teens are shot dead by law enforcement. To put it in perspective, police would have had to kill more than one additional white teen per week during that span to level the numbers off.
The study also examined the race of the officers executing these fatal shootings. 68% of all people of “color” that were killed by police were killed by white police officers. The study was sure to mention that these statistics should be qualified by the fact that white males significantly outnumber any other race in police forces nationwide.
You can read the entire report here, and be sure to let us know your thoughts on Twitter and Facebook.