The official details Mike Brown’s body can provide are now available

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Early in August, a tragic shooting of an unarmed African-American male, Michael Brown, by a white police officer, Darren Wilson, sent the small town of Ferguson, Misosuri into a state of unrest. After months of speculation and protests, Michael Brown’s autopsy has finally been released, and it includes some telling and disturing details of what really went down on that street on August 6th of this year.

The autopsy results do show that Brown suffered a gunshot wound to his hand that was the result of a close-rang discharge, which does align with the account given by Wilson, who says there was an altercation in the police car involving himself and Brown in which the deceased attempted to reach for Wilson’s gun. While here’s no way to prove that was the only circumstance during the entire incident that would allow Wilson to get that close to Brown’s hand, the medical examiner reportedly told The St. Louis Dispatch that his findings “support that there was a significant altercation at the car”.


The report continues on to say that Brown was facing Wilson when he took one shot to the forehead, two to the chest and one to the upper arm. The shot that hit him in his upper arm traveled from his upper arm to his inner arm, meaning his back was more than likely facing Wilson when it was fired.

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