How Do You Get Arrested For Two DUI’s In A 3 Hour Span? Ask This Zombie

She’s terrorizing everyone and it has nothing to do with her mugshot

Catherine Butler isn’t acting out a horror movie, and her ridiculous driving habits isn’t her being in character. The 26-year old Rochester resident managed to get arrested for two DUIs in a matter of 3 hours, a ridiculous and embarrassing feat that could’ve left her in the horrific shape she depicted herself in for her halloween costume (pictured above).

Butler was arrested around 2 AM after leaving a Halloween party (figures), and–wait for it–released to the custody of her friends. In what world does a drunk Halloween partygoer arrested for DUI get released to the custody of her friends? For whatever reason, she was allowed to go free, and was arrested at 5 AM, just three hours later, and finally detained after authorities noticed her car swerving recklessly on a freeway just outside Rochester (which is when she took the aforementioned tragic mugshot).
