Check Out The New remix of Thaitanium’s “Wake Up” featuring Snoop Dogg

You won’t wanna miss Thaitanium’s collaboration with Snoop and some famous youtubers.

The award winning Thaitanium recruited Snoop Dogg and famous Asian-American youtubers to help remix their U.S. debut single “Wake Up (Bangkok City).” The Remix features Timothy DeLaGhetto, J-Reyez, Lil-Crazed and Rob Campman. Fans can listen to the remix on youtube or soundcloud and download the track at The group has just completed a U.S. tour and continues to combine asian culture with American Hip Hop. Member’s of the group have released solo projects such as in-house producer Khan who debuted “Higher” from his DJ project “BangBangBang.” Thaitanium’s own DJ Buddah has also released a mix tape, “Air Asia Mixtape” featuring DJ Whoo Kid and Deejay Ono. checkout the song below:
