Dwayne Chess’ Offbeat Style Works on “In Need of You”

DC makes his otherworldly style work for him–and the ladies–on his latest record.  

Quirky Brooklyn artist Dwayne Chess hits us off with his psychedelic, trip-hop single, “In Need of You.”  His offbeat, unique style reminds many of the late Slick Rick, and it’s earned him the co-signs of controversial radio hosts Star n Buckwild.

I thought that “On The Back” ended up being an uptempo song so I found myself wanting to do something different.  When I heard the beat to “In Need Of You” it just felt like pillow talk.  All the R&B shit you want to tell somebody without coming off too moist was my mission.  I make my music with the mindset of I have to love it to give it a chance with the world and this feels good to me.  If there was ever a song to bend corners to with a girl in the passenger seat, then this is it…

While his eccentric vocals may not be appealing to everyone, if Ice JJ Fish can actually sell records, trust, there’s a market, and Chess makes it work on this lady-courting record.


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