From Harlem to the United Nations, March 8th women of the world celebrate International Women’s Day
In 1995, U.N. Women, attended the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, along with other women worldwide. The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action was established by a unanimous vote of 189 countries. This declaration served as a catalyst for change for the equality and empowerment of women. The New York Times covered the historical event 20 years ago March 26, 1995:
Delegates to the fourth international women’s conference in Beijing, to be held in September, met in Harlem yesterday for a program titled “Healing and Spiritual Renewal for the Harlems of the World.” As part of the ceremony to kick off the planning meeting, a dancer performed outside the Adam Clayton Powell Jr. State Office Building on 125th Street in Harlem.”
-New York Times (March 26, 1995)
Now in 2015, 20 years later, we are poised to celebrate the 20th Anniversary since the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing was held. On March 8, 2015, International Women’s Day, the historical Apollo Theatre in Harlem, New York City will have the esteemed pleasure of hosting the Consultation Day for the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW/ Beijing+20), where women will be in attendance from all over the world.
On Sunday, March 8, 2015, from 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM, once again there will be a healing, blessing, and spiritual celebration of drumming and dance at the Harlem State Office Building, located at 125th Street and 7th Avenue corner of Adam Powell Clayton Powell. 20 years after Beijing, the women of the world will gather as part of the United Nations Women’s Beijing+20 campaign “Empowering Women – Empowering Humanity: Picture It!” #MakeItHappen is the 2015 theme for global hub, encouraging effective action for advancing and recognizing women.
Empowering the world by bringing the healing, blessings, and spiritual renewal of the Harlems of the world; Together. Let us help stop the desecration of Mother Earth, beginning with the healing of the wombs of mothers all over the world.”
-Queen Mother Dr. Delois Blakely (New Future Foundation, Inc.)
The U.N. Women and New Future Foundation, Inc. hosted a forum to usher in CSW59/ Beijing+20. A forum held Friday, Feb. 6 at Harlem Family Church Center, 147 W. 120th St., laid out their past and future efforts to establish an all-girls school in Ghana, Africa, with the Queen Mothers of Africa.
The CSW59/ Beijing+20 conference will be in New York City from March 8th thru 20th at the United Nations Headquarters, and over 600 events will be happening throughout the entire city.
-Infinite Wiz(@infinitewiz)
White women are NOT oppressed! TIME FOR ASHTORETH WORSHIP TO GO!
The nations of the world are in reality upholding the IDOLATROUS WORSHIP of the WHITE WOMAN and her IMAGE. Worship of the white woman is a hidden truth in regards to how the WHITE NATIONS have dominated the world through their “CLANDESTINE” schemes to OVERTAKE and OVERTHROW ALL THE NATIONS IN THE EARTH. The WHITE woman represent the MOTHER of the WHITE RACE and therefore she is in a highly favored position in the world because of the power she holds in the Devil’s world system. Her IMAGE and PRESENCE is being used EVERYWHERE around the earth, as much as possible, in order to keep a strong “SPELL” over the nations. This practice can be seen in pictures and ADVERTISEMENTS that are posted in far away lands that have no or very little population of WHITE people. While many people recognize the “white man’s” dominance, they many times overlook the POWER BEHIND the white male. White women represent the image of the “QUEEN OF THE HEAVENS” that is promoted THROUGHOUT THE WORLD! The WHITE female is the most dominant IMAGE promoted by the WORLD POWERS. She is the MOST dangerous enemy because the masses are conditioned to think she is less powerful and LESS THREATENING than her white male. The WHITE female travels FAR and WIDE and is used in positions as AMBASSADORS, MISSIONARIES, NURSES, DOCTORS, TEACHERS, PSYCHOLOGISTS, CHILD CARE WORKERS FOR ORPHANS, WOMEN RIGHTS ACTIVISTS and the list goes on and on. Her use for HIDDEN AGENDAS has brought success to the WHITE race in having CONTROL of many countries. Her IMAGE and her PRESENCE is used CONSTANTLY in order to make all peoples of the earth TRUST HER! This is part of the SPIRITISM that is used to SEDATE all the nations far and wide! Her MOST dangerous weapon has been, MARRIAGE, COHABITATION, OR SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS. THE TIME FOR THIS TO END HAS COME!
HEAR THE WORD OF YHWH ALMIGHTY: “Disaster WILL overtake YOU! You will NOT be able to charm it away. CALAMITY will fall upon YOU, and you won’t be able to BUY your way out. Catastrophies will strike you SUDDENLY, catastrophies for which you are NOT PREPARED. Now, use your “MAGICAL CHARMS” Use the SPELLS you have worked at all these years! Maybe they will help you. Maybe they can make someone afraid of you. All the ADVICE you have received have made you tired. Where are all your ASTROLOGERS? Where are all your STARGAZERS who make your predictions each month? Let them stand up and SAVE YOU FROM WHAT IS COMING!”