Photo: ABC News

Friday night, 19 year old Tony Robinson Jr. was shot and killed by  Madison police officer, Matt Kenny. Even though the stories about what happened is still sketchy, race seems to be the topic of the shooting.

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After the shooting, many protesters hit the streets and began shouting, Black Lives Matter. While many are upset that another black life was taken by law enforcement, Robinson’s family wants people to know that he was more than a 19 year old black teen shot and killed.

Turin Carter, uncle of Robinson spoke to reporters on behalf of his family and wanted the public to know that Robinson, affectionately called Tyrell by relatives was a mixture of everything, not just African American.


“We don’t want to just stop at black lives matter. … Tyrell is a mixture of everything. You can’t look at him and say he’s black,” Carter said.

Carter is speaking on behalf of his sister, Robinson’s mother who is Caucasian and his father who is African American. Carter went on to thank supporters and wanted law enforcement to know that the supporters and his family are not anti-police, but it still doesn’t excuse what happened to his nephew.

“We appreciate the police and we understand the necessity for them but once again that does not excuse what happened,” Carter said.

– Ballah-moni Kollie (@Gottadream87)

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