Premiere: Listen to Pac Div’s “Roll The Dice”

Usually, Tuesdays are pretty awful. Just when you thought you got into the swing of things after Monday, Tuesday comes around to remind you how long the week really is. But today, Pac Div relieves that unwarranted pressure with this official leak, “Roll The Dice.” A member of their team sent the track over with little information but we’re not complaining and neither are you, right? The siren in the beginning and the overall laid back production is reminiscent of J. Dilla, while Like, Mibbs, and BeYoung share wisdom about the uncertainty of life. One second you could be up with your homies and the next, you’re struggling with the same crew. Sometimes, you just need to roll the dice.

You can expect a new mixtape from the group sooner than later. Also, if you’re in California on June 30th, head to The Regent for a performance by your favorite rappers’ favorite rappers. Seriously.

Also, the song is 4 minutes and 20 seconds long. Coincidence? I think not.


Music podcasts – Embed Audio Files – Roll The Dice

Bryan Hahn is now just waiting for The Niceguys to re-unite so they can do a joint project with Pac Div. He’s on Twitter (@notupstate).