County Clerk Refuses Marriage License To Same Sex Couples…With An Order From The Governor?

A county clerk in Kentucky is under fire for refusing to grant marriage licenses to same sex couples. The clerk claims that a well known figure told him if he grants the license he’ll be fired.

According to MSNBC, Kentucky clerk Casey Davis made headlines when he was one of three clerks who refused marriage licenses to same sex couples after last month’s ruling of equal rights for same sex couples to marry in the United States. Davis is claiming that he was told not to grant the marriage license to same sex couples because the Governor of Kentucky told him not to.

Davis claims that he met with Governor Steve Beshear behind closed doors with other clerks. During the private meeting, Davis says that Beshear’s exact words on issuing the license were, “Issue marriage licenses or resign”. Gov. Beshear did not speak on the accusations but did release a statement saying that Davis has to obey the law and issue the license to the couples despite religious and personal belief.


Davis says that he will neither grant the marriage license or resign.

– Ballah-moni Kollie (@Gottadream87)

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