HipHopTV Is Here To Save The Day

Who remembers coming home from school everyday to turn on MTV or BET? Before things like YouTube the only place to go for the best curated content in music were those channels. We loved them like a religion, but then the Internet came. Well, now we’ve gotten to the point where there’s just so much content that we don’t know where to choose from. Instead we would love to have some amazing hip hop content curated for us for us to know that at least some filter has been applied.
In comes the newest startup out of San Francisco, HipHopTV. It’s a LIVE streaming Hip Hop channel that is accessible on all connected devices that showcases music videos, documentaries, interviews, concerts, and other original content. The team is led by a young tech entrepreneur Aaron Athwal, P Frank Williams who is an alumni of The Source as well as an Emmy Award winner, and the legendary Ed Lover.