Happy Birthday To The Late ASAP Yams

Today in 1988, a bright light in Hip-Hop culture began to shine. 26 years ago today, Steven Rodriguez, better known as ASAP Yams, was born in Harlem, New York. Known widely as the founder of the ASAP Mob collective, ASAP Yams can be called the 2010s underground rap version of Rick Rubin.

During the extreme growth of the internet rap underground, Yams not only had his hand in one of the most successful collectives to come from this internet age, but many other artists who have reached a level of stardom today. ASAP Yams, through music and social media, helped create a new culture that is today at the forefront of what’s “cool” in rap music. Unfortunately, this light was taken from us too soon as ASAP Yams passed away on January 18th, 2015 at the age of 26. It’s not often that someone comes around in the Hip Hop world that builds a culture without gracing the mic and for that he will be missed and remembered forever. Long Live Yams!