Want To Dump Bae But Don’t Know How? There’s An App For That

Breaking up is hard to do. But it doesn’t have to be, thanks to The Breakup Shop—a new website that will do all the dirty work for you (for a nominal fee, of course).

The online service, started by two Canadians, is taking the relationship world by storm, offering a variety of services to call your relationship quits in the form of a thoughtful text ($14), phone call ($40) or a custom letter ($42). Need to get rid of bae ASAP? The service offers a rush-option for a 24-hour turnaround, for an extra $14 dollars. But that’s not all.

According to the website, The Breakup Shop provides a “Breakup Gift Pack,” which includes a Blu-ray copy of lovey-dovey chick-flick The Notebook or Call of Duty video game (to virtually shoot away your pain?), a box of cookies, a Netflix gift card and a hand written “sorry” letter for the newly broken-hearted.


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