Muslim Congressman Blames Donald Trump For Death Threats

Indiana Congressman Andre Carson, one of two Muslims that serve in Congress, has claimed to have received a death threat and placed the blame on GOP frontrunner Donald Trump for “fanning the flames of bigotry”.

Addressing Donald Trump’s proposal Monday for a “total and complete” ban on Muslims entering the United States, the Indianapolis Democrat said on CNN such public comments are putting law abiding Muslims already in the United States in harm’s way.

“I just received a death threat yesterday in my own office, and it’s largely in part to this toxic environment. What concerns me is you have the demagoguery taking place from people who are seeking to become president of the United States. You have other politicians who are joining the bandwagon and who are fanning the flames of bigotry.”

Carson’s chief of staff Kim Rudolph, said all threats are turned over to law enforcement authorities in Washington or Indianapolis to investigate. Rudolph said that details about the threat Carson received Monday are not available because the investigation is ongoing.
