International Spotlight: Toronto’s Jay Whiss Wants You to “Watch This” Music Video

Toronto’s OVO-affiliated clique Prime has had a great year when it comes to dropping continuous content.

From their front man Jimmy Prime to newcomers like Donnie and Jay Whiss, it’s safe to say they’ve built themselves an online presence as well as kept it hot in the Toronto music scene. With Jimmy three projects deep, it only makes sense for his teammates to start coming forward with their own music.

Jay Whiss recently premiered “Watch This” on OVO Sound Radio and followed it up with a cinematic music video directed by Tristan Prime. The video sees Jay Whiss counting his money, cooling in his luxury whip parked at an abandoned gas station. It’s an introduction to what Prime’s growing fan-base can expect from him in the future. Cameos include his crew members Jimmy Prime, Donnie and Esplanade associate SAFE.

Prime’s shine is no mystery. Ever since Drake posted a photo of the CN Tower on his official Instagram account accompanied by the caption, “I miss the 6!!! #JimmyPrimeNamedIt #The6 #Home #SummerInToronto #Paradise” it’s been a viral thing for the Prime boys. Watch for them next year, and in the meantime enjoy the video for the Lani Christ-produced instrumental above.