Victims Of Ex-Police Officer And Serial Rapist Daniel Holtzclaw Speak Out

On Friday, the sexual assault and rape victims of former Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw spoke to the press, giving their opinions on the verdict and the memories of the haunting experiences they had when encountering the serial rapist.

Jannie Ligons, the 57 year old woman who was the first to report Holtzclaw to the authorities, stood alongside civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump and several of the other victims. Ligons said that her faith helped her survive the vicious assault. Press conference attendees cheered after Ligons stated,

“He picked the wrong lady to stop that night.”

Ligons went on to say, “God’s will, he let me live. He let me live and tell this story like a lot of victims are not able to do.”


Ms. Ligons was one of 13 victims, includung a 17 year old girl, who was arrested and raped by Holtzclaw. The ex-cop is facing over 200 years with his convictions. The prosecutor has promised to push for consecutive terms.