A 17-year-old girl in Sonderberg, Denmark is facing legal consequences after fighting off her rapist with pepper spray.

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The young girl was attacked by a man on the night of January 20 in a city center where, after forcing her to the ground and unbuttoning her pants, she sprayed the man with pepper spray and she was able to escape.

While her attacker fled, the young girl stayed around and immediately reported the incident, recounting the details of the whole scene to authorities.


In Denmark, it is illegal to possess and use pepper spray, and since she admitted to using it on her rapist, she was fined $73 and faces a possible charge.

Many are up and arms about the fine and the charge, not only because it was used in self defense, but also because there have been a string of assaults happening in the area, which has a migrant asylum center nearby.

Donors from around the world have offered to pay the fine for the young girl, though her experience has sparked a major debate around whether the law regarding self defense and weapons should be circumstantial or heavily enforced.

In the U.S., the use of pepper spray is legal, but there are restrictions on the strength and size you’re allowed to carry, and you must be over 18 years of age to purchase.