Artist Sylvia Maier Pays Tribute to Mothers Whose Sons Have Been Killed by Police Brutality

In a moving series titled “The Circle of Mothers Project” artist Sylvia Maier stunningly captures the essence and beauty of mothers who have lost their sons due to police brutality.

“These mothers, they are the living victims, living with the loss of their children” Maier told The Huffington Post.

Inspired by the  Circle of Mothers, a national support group for mothers of children who were murdered by police officers, Mair features the founder of the group, Sybrina Fulton, in the portrait series. Fulton started the network after the murder of her son Trayvon Martin back in 2012.


The project will be on display at Gallery Josephine in Martha’s Vineyard from May 28 until June 13, though you can catch some of the images below. Be sure to check other Sylvia’s other collections here.

Sabryna Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin

sabryna fulton

Iris Baez, mother of Anthony Baez


Constance Malcom, mother of Ramarley Graham


Hawah Bah, mother of Mohammed Bah
