Two comedian are taking their talents from NBC’s Saturday Night Live to Showtime, reports Entertainment Weekly. Taran Killam and Jay Pharoah each received starring roles in two new pilots.
The producers of Friday Night Lights and The Americans cast Killam as the newly divorced protagonist in Mating. His character has been married since he was young, making dating completely differently now that his marriage has ended. Killam will star for only one season. After, producers will change characters and plot lines every season. The title itself is also in the works.
Pharoah’s role isn’t too much of a stretch, as he plays a comedian. White Famous surrounds as an African-American up-and-comer in the world of comedy. The protagonist wants the real deal—nothing short of mainstream fame. The pilot comes from the mind of writer-producer Tom Kapinos of Californication, with the help of Jamie Foxx and Tim Story of Barbershop.
Showtime revealed the details of the series and its new stars on yesterday [Thursday, August 11] in front of the Television Critics Association and press.