Colin Kaepernick Donates Backpacks and 25k to Harlem Charter School

Words by Ime Ekpo

Colin Kaepernick continues to shun his haters through his philanthropic efforts.

This past Friday, Colin Kaepernick was Harlem bound, donating backpacks to the freshman class of DREAM Charter School. A few weeks prior, Kaepernick donated $25,000 to We Are Dream, which aligns with his million dollar pledge to the organization.


DREAM is a youth development organization that aims to provide young boys and girls with opportunities to acknowledge their potential and know their dreams. DREAM works with over 2,200 kids every year at the DREAM Charter School and after-school and summer programs.

Kaepernick and his better half HOT 97’s Ness Nitty, stopped by DREAM to talk to the freshman class about “activism, taking risks, and starting difficult convos” according to We Are Dream.

Also on Friday afternoon, TMZ spotted Kaepernick surrounded by a collective of Black and Latino children capturing visuals while rocking the trendy dashiki top. This is a supposed secretive endeavor, being that there was a raving white woman seen in the TMZ video making an attempt to block the camera. According to Bossip, this appeared to be a full blown photo shoot with GQ magazine promotion materials on set.

There is no doubt that Kaepernick’s philanthropic successes must be acknowledged on a wide scale. After his decision to opt out of his 49ers contract in March and become a free agent, he has been in a severe thralldom when it comes to getting hired to a new team. Many teams are in fear of receiving backlash from their fans after getting him and other teams are simply not fond of the former 49ers player after his fearless behavior of kneeling down for the national anthem. It is also supposed that there are even some teams that wholeheartedly believe he can’t play, even though he appeared more than adequate, accomplishing 61.3 percent of his passes throughout playoffs, as reported by Bleacher Report.

Teams are perhaps waiting for the right time to snatch Kaepernick as a player. But according to reality and logic, the hype will never die down as long as the injustice of blacks and people of color in America, is active.