In 2016, Logic released the mixtape Bobby Tarantino which featured the fan-favorite track “44 Bars.” The track chronicled his pain, struggles to succeed and what he assumed the rap star’s life was about. This was, as he revealed in the song until he realized the most important part of his music was his fan base.
Today, (Feb. 23) Logic released the sequel to the track titled “44 More.” Similar to its predecessor, the track is exactly 44 bars in which Logic speaks his thoughts on his current position in the rap game. Logic has risen to near-superstar status in the last two years. The suicide-prevention track “1-800-273-8255,” was a chart success in 2017, peaking at No. 3 on the Billboard Hot 100. The track was nominated for Best Music Video and Song of the Year for the 2018 Grammy Awards. To check out if Logic has another hit song on his hands, listen to “44 More” below.