Nicki Minaj is Considering Delaying ‘Queen’s Release Date for Another Week

It’s looking like Nicki Minaj may very well push back the release date for her highly-anticipated album, Queen, once more. The album, which was initially going to drop on June 15, is currently slated to drop on August 10, however that may change.

Nicki took to Twitter to express her grievances to the Barbz. She unveiled that her project has a tune on it that features “1of the best rappers ever,” however, the track contains an uncleared example of an unnamed Tracy Chapman track.

In the wake of suggesting the conversation starter to fans, Nicki posted a Twitter survey. At the season of this composition, 47 percent of fans have voted in favor of “Keep date/lose record” and 53 percent of fans have made their choice for “keep record/push date1 wk.”


Stay locked in as we see whether Queen will drop on August 10 or after seven days after that.

Meanwhile, here’s the official video for Tracy Chapman’s “Fast Car,” which could conceivably be the example being referred to tossed over a trap beat.